The Guardian does some psychoanalyzing of the NBA I’ve played basketball since I was about 12 years old. I fell in love with the game initially watching my older brother play in junior high. When I started watching NBA games, it was the Magic Johnson versus Larry Bird era. I come from Ohio, but… Continue reading Shots of Confidence in the NBA
Author: Dr Brent
Why does Malcom Gladwell go see a psychoanalyst?
What does the location of Silicon Valley have to do with Freudian psychoanalysis? You gotta love Malcom Gladwell. I, for one, see him as a sort of intellectual trend setter. No doubt, he’s a smart guy, and his books, including The Tipping Point and Blink, have placed him in the discussion as perhaps… Continue reading Why does Malcom Gladwell go see a psychoanalyst?
Bolero on the Brain
One of my favorite podcasts is Radiolab, which I discovered more than a decade ago while listening to the US public radio station NPR. This is a story from several years ago, but it’s one of the best ever. So, that’s why I’ve decided to post it first. Radiolab is a long-running and… Continue reading Bolero on the Brain